
ATF division attorney Christine stands by a wall, watching wedding participants. Christine is a staff attorney from the San Francisco Field Division who has been with the ATF for just over a year. She is a graduate of both Michigan State University and the Michigan State College of Law. Prior to starting her ATF career, Christine completed multiple internships with state and federal prosecutors’ offices. While many of her law school peers took positions at private firms, Christine felt a calling to a career serving the public and fighting for a cause larger than herself. During her first year on the job, she experienced many aspects of the ATF to include training with explosives at the National Center for Explosives Training and Research, witnessing a controlled burn at the ATF Fire Research Laboratory, firing various weapons at the range, and participating in the command post for a large scale takedown operation utilizing five ATF Special Response Teams.

Personally, Christine enjoys staying physically active by cross training, hiking, rock climbing, and playing softball and competitive dodgeball. She consumes as many books as possible and enjoys traveling, but she really loves conducting in depth research of the history, culture, and art of her travel destinations.

Thank you, Christine, for your contributions to the ATF. We appreciate the unique qualities of each of our employees. It’s what makes ATF collectively better.

Last Reviewed May 28, 2020