Firearms Forms

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4473 - Registro de Transacción de Armas de Fuego (Formulario 5300.9 de la ATF) (615.72 KB)
La información y certificación del presente formulario sirven para que el que posea una licencia conforme a la sección 923 del título 18, Código de los Estados Unidos, determine si él/ella puede vender o entregar legalmente un arma de fuego a la persona indicada en la sección A y para que el adquiriente/comprador este alertado de las restricciones que se imponen al recibo y la posesión de armas de fuego.
4473 Cont. - Firearms Transaction Record Continuation Sheet (ATF Form 5300.9A) (357.84 KB)

This form is a continuation of Section A of the attached ATF Form 4473 and is completed by the transferor/seller. When completed, this attachment is incorporated into and made part of the ATF Form 4473.

4473 Cont. - Hoja de Continuación de Registro de Transacción de Armas de Fuego (Formulario 5300.9A de la ATF) (146.6 KB)

Este formulario es continuación de Seccion A del Formulario 4473 de ATF y el transferidor/vendedor lo completa. Cuando esté completo, el documento será incorporado y será parte del Formulario 4473 de ATF.

4473 Part 1— Firearms Transaction Record Over-The-Counter (ATF Form 5300.9) (416.57 KB)

Used by federal firearms licensees (FFLs) to determine if they may lawfully sell or deliver a firearm to the person identified in Section B, and to alert the transferee/buyer of certain restrictions on the receipt and possession of firearms.

Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Exportation Report (AFMER) (ATF Form 5300.11) (1.49 MB)

This form is required of all Type 07 and Type 10 federal firearms licensees (FFLs) for reporting production data for the manufacture and exportation of firearms.

Instead of printing this form and mailing it in, please consider using eForms to electronically complete and submit your AFMER form. You can complete the AFMER eForm at  If you need assistance with eForms, send an email to

Application for Alternate Means of Identification of Firearm(s) (Marking Variance) (ATF Form 3311.4) (482.89 KB)

This is the form which is used by licensed manufacturers and importers requesting ATF approval to adopt markings on behalf of another manufacturer/importer during firearms manufacturing process. OMB No. 1140-0104 (10/31/2026)

Application for an Amended Federal Firearms License (ATF Form 5300.38) (364.38 KB)
This application must be completed by any federal firearms licensee (FFL) who intend to change the business and/or mailing address of an active license and certify compliance with the provisions of the law for the new address.
Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain NFA Firearms (ATF Form 5320.20) (323.83 KB)

This form is used to obtain permission to temporarily or permanently move your registered National Firearms Act (NFA) machine gun, short barreled rifle or shotgun, or destructive device interstate. Persons other than qualified federal firearms licensees (FFLs) or government agencies are required to obtain this permission.

Certification of Qualifying State Relief (ATF E-Form 3210.12) (319.78 KB)
This form is to be used by a state to certify to ATF that it has established a qualifying mental health relief from firearms disabilities program that satisfies certain minimum criteria under the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007.
Description of Firearm and Information on Request for Demonstration (356.9 KB)

ATF Form 5320.24, Description of Firearm and Information on Request for Demonstration, should be submitted by Federal Firearms Licensees who have paid the special (occupational) tax to import, manufacture, or deal in NFA firearms, for approval to transfer an NFA firearm to a similarly qualified licensee. The completed ATF Form 5320.24 should be completed by a law enforcement agency requesting demonstration of 922(o) machineguns and will serve as supporting documentation for the ATF Form 3 (5320.3), Application for Tax-Exempt Transfer of Firearm and Registration to Special Occupational Taxpayer (National Firearms Act). The furnishing of this information is mandatory pursuant to Federal regulation (27 CFR § 479.105(d)).

F 5300.5 Demand 2 Program- Report of Firearms Transactions (901.26 KB)

When a Type 01, Type 02, Type 07, or Type 08 Federal firearms licensee meets the criteria of the ATF Demand 2 Program and is notified in writing by an ATF official, the licensee must complete ATF Form 5300.5, Demand 2 Program: Report of Firearms Transactions.

F 5330. 4 (4587) Application to Register as an Importer of U.S. Munitions Import List Articles (2.3 MB)

This form is used to register and pay to permanently import defense articles on the United States Munitions Import List.

Factoring Criteria for Weapons (ATF Form 4590) (168.36 KB)
Form used by ATF to factor the importability of a pistol or revolver.
Federal Firearms Licensee Firearms Inventory Theft/Loss Continuation Sheet (ATF Form 3310.11A) (176.42 KB)
This form should be used by Federal Firearms Licensees who require additional space while filling out ATF Form 3310.11, Section C - Description of Firearms.
Federal Firearms Licensee Theft/Loss Report (ATF Form 3310.11) (259.73 KB)
This form is used by Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) to report the theft or loss of firearms from their inventory or collection, to include firearms lost in transit (to be reported by the shipping FFL).
Fingerprint Card Instructions and Example (FD-258) (1.64 MB)

This is a sample fingerprint card (FD-258) that is used when applying for a federal firearms license. This card can be order from the ATF Distribution Center online or by calling (703) 870-7526 or (703) 870-7528.

Form 1 - Application to Make and Register a Firearm (ATF Form 5320.1) (723.81 KB)

This form is to request approval to make a NFA firearm. A making tax liability may be incurred.

Form 10 - Application for Registration of Firearms Acquired by Certain Governmental Entities (ATF Form 5320.10) (277.16 KB)
This form is used to properly identify the registrant and the firearms to be registered. The form when approved, registers the firearm to the law enforcement agency. The furnishing of this information is mandatory (26 U.S.C. 5853a).
Form 2 - Notice of Firearms Manufactured or Imported (ATF Form 5320.2) (329.58 KB)

This form is used by qualified federal firearms licensees to report the manufacture or importation of an NFA firearm.

Form 3 - Application for Tax-Exempt Transfer of Firearm and Registration to Special Occupational Taxpayer (National Firearms Act) (ATF Form 5320.3) (507.59 KB)

This form is used to request approval to transfer a National Firearms Act (NFA) firearm from one qualified federal firearms licensee (FFL) to another qualified special taxpayer.

Form 4 - Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm (ATF Form 5320.4) (1.12 MB)

Application for tax paid transfer and registration of firearm used to request approval to transfer a National Firearms Act (NFA) firearm subject to transfer tax liability. Typically submitted for a transfer to an individual or legal entity such as a trust.

Form 5 - Application for Tax Exempt Transfer and Registration of Firearm (ATF Form 5320.5) (1.06 MB)

This form is used to apply the tax-exempt transfer of an unserviceable (welded) firearm to anyone other than a federal firearms licensee who has paid the required special (occupational) tax to deal in National Firearms Act (NFA) firearms and to or from government agencies.

Form 6 Part 1 - Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War (ATF Form 5330.3A) (416.97 KB)

This form is used to apply to permanently import firearms, ammunition and implements of war.

Form 6 Part 2 - Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War (ATF Form 5330.3B) (301.51 KB)

This form is used to apply to permanently import firearms, ammunition and implements of war. For use by active duty military members only.

Form 6A - Release and Receipt of Imported Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles (ATF Form 5330.3C) (420.9 KB)

This form is used to obtain a release from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and notify ATF of actual importation of defense articles imported pursuant to an approved ATF Form 6.

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