Forms Library

Form ID Titlesort descending Description Category
F 5070.1A Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking (PACT) Act Registration Form (Continuation Sheet) (ATF F 5070.1A) (312 KB)
This is the continuation sheet for the PACT Act Registration Form (ATF Form 5070.1). The form's purpose is to register delivery sellers of cigarettes and/or smokeless tobacco products with the Attorney General in order to legally continue to sell and/or advertise these tobacco products under the PACT Act.
Alcohol & Tobacco
F 5300.5 Report of Firearms Transactions (ATF Form 5300.5) (223 KB)

This form must be completed by licensees upon receipt of a demand letter issued through either the Attorney General or an ATF official.

F 3310.12 Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Certain Rifles (ATF Form 3310.12) (276 KB)
This form documents certain sales or other dispositions of rifles for law enforcement purposes. The information is used to determine if the buyer (transferee) is involved in a unlawful activity, or is a person prohibited by law from obtaining firearms.
F 3310.4 Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Pistols and Revolvers (ATF Form 3310.4) (977 KB)
This form documents certain sales or other dispositions of handguns for law enforcement purposes. The information is used to determine if the buyer (transferee) is involved in a unlawful activity.
F 5400.5 Report of Theft/Loss - Explosive Materials (ATF Form 5400.5) (245 KB)

The purpose of this form is to report the theft or loss of explosive materials to ATF.

Responsible Person Questionnaire (ATF Form 5400.13A/5400.16) (265 KB)

This form is used to add responsible persons to a Federal Explosives License or Permit (FEL/P) with the application as well as after a FEL/P has already been issued. It is also required to be submitted with every FEL/P Renewal Application (ATF Form 5400.14/5400.15).

F 3312.1S Solicitud de Rastreo del Centro Nacional de Rastreos (Formulario 3312.1S) (359 KB)
Este formulario es utilizado por los funcionarios federales, cuerpos de seguridad estatales y locales para solicitar a la ATF el rastreo de armas de fuego utilizadas o sospechosas de haber sido utilizadas en delitos.
Resource Center
F 5630.7 Special Tax Registration and Return - National Firearms Act (ATF Form 5630.7) (393 KB)

Federal firearms licensees (FFLs) who engage in importing, manufacturing or dealing in National Firearms Act (NFA) firearms are required to file this form and pay the special occupational tax (SOT), an annual tax that begins on July 1 and ends June 30.

F 6400.1 State and Local Training Registration Request (ATF Form 6400.1) (373 KB)

This form is used by federal, state and local, military and international law enforcement personnel applying for training conducted by ATF.

Resource Center
F 5000.30 Supplemental Information on Water Quality Considerations (ATF Form 5000.30) (220 KB)

This form is used by ATF to determine whether a certification from a state of multi-state authority is needed for discharge of effluent into navigable water of the United States.



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