Publications Library

ATF occasionally issues publications to inform the industries it regulates and the general public about the laws and regulations administered and enforced by ATF. These include guidebooks, newsletters, brochures, studies, and reports.

Titlesort descending Description Category Document Type
Pennsylvania Firearms Statutes and Codes (828 KB)

From the 34th Edition of State Laws and Published Ordinances - Firearms (ATF P 5300.5)

Firearms Guide
Pennsylvania Firearms Trace Data – 2014 (1486 KB)

This brochure contains trace data related information from January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014.

About ATF Report
pennsylvania051017.pdf (59 KB) May 2017 Location of Abandoned/Unclaimed property by state. Resource Center Report
pennsylvania_10.24.2024_508_compliance.pdf (73 KB) Asset Forfeiture Report
Pensacola, FL - State Report - Addendum City Report (3340 KB)

National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA): Crime Guns - Volume Two Report

Firearms Report
Personal Firearms Record (ATF P 3312.8) (296 KB)
By completing this record and maintaining it in a safe location, separate from your firearms, you will be taking an important first step in the effort to prevent thefts and to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals.
Firearms Guide
Personal Firearms Record (ATF P 3312.8) (361 KB)

By completing this record and maintaining it in a safe location, separate from your firearms, you will be taking an important first step in the effort to prevent thefts and to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals.

Firearms Guide
Philadelphia, PA - State Report - Mega City (2884 KB)

National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA): Crime Guns - Volume Two Report

Firearms Report
Phoenix, AZ - State Report - Mega City (2967 KB)

National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA): Crime Guns - Volume Two Report

Firearms Report
Plano, TX - State Report - Addendum City Report (3948 KB)

National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA): Crime Guns - Volume Two Report

Firearms Report
Possessor Age By State CY 2023 (19 KB) Resource Center Report
Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking (PACT) Act Information Guide (297 KB)

The Attorney General has delegated the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to administer and enforce the PACT Act. ATF is providing this document on the PACT Act’s amendments to the Jenkins Act (15 U.S.C. §375-378), which governs the collection of taxes on, and trafficking in, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. There are specified responsibilities that require independent action, coordination of efforts, and information sharing.

PACT Act Law

Alcohol & Tobacco Guide
Prince George's County, MD - State Report - Addendum City Report (3666 KB)

National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA): Crime Guns - Volume Two Report

Firearms Report
Procedures for Requesting Computerized Bookkeeping Variance (41 KB) This document provides information regarding the procedure for requesting a computerized bookkeeping variance.  Firearms Guide
processing_questions_and_answers.docx (31 KB) Firearms Report
Progress Report - Study of Marking, Rendering Inert, and Licensing of Explosive Materials (Taggant Study) (97) (195 KB)

The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (the Act) was enacted on April 24, 1996. Section 732 of the Act mandates the Secretary of the Treasury (the Secretary) to conduct a study of: the tagging of explosive materials, rendering common chemicals used to manufacture explosive materials inert, imposing controls on certain precursor chemicals and, State licensing requirements for the purchase and use of commercial high explosives. On September 30, 1996, an amendment included in the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1997 (Amendment) provided the necessary funding for the study and added a requirement that the Secretary, in consultation with the Attorney General, concurrently report to Congress on the possible use and exploitation of new prevention technologies.

Resource Center Report
Progress Report - Study of Marking, Rendering Inert, and Licensing of Explosive Materials - 1998 (210 KB)

The ESG is continuing to analyze statistical data on explosives-related incidents as reported in ATF’s annual Arson and Explosives Incidents Report (AEIR), in order to assess the overall threat to the American public posed by the criminal use of explosives. This analysis is directed toward identifying regulatory weaknesses that create vulnerability, as well as determining where the application of detection and identification technology may have the greatest impact in preventing and solving criminal acts.

Resource Center Report
Protection Orders and Federal Firearms Prohibitions (ATF I 3310.2) (143 KB)
A qualifying court order may be issued by a criminal court or civil court, such as divorce court, family court, magistrate or general jurisdiction court.  The following list enumerates the elements that define a qualifying protection order under the Federal firearms prohibition.
Resource Center Guide
Public Safety Advisory to All Federal Firearms Licensees, and Firearm Parts, Components, and Accessories Manufacturers and Distributors (364 KB)

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is issuing this public safety Advisory to the firearms industry and the public to provide information regarding its investigative priorities related to possible willful efforts to violate the requirements of the Gun Control Act (GCA) as implemented by the Final Rule titled Definition of ‘Frame or Receiver’ and Identification of Firearms (Final Rule 2021R-05F) (“Frame or Receiver Final Rule” or the “Final Rule”).1 As with any suspected violations of the GCA, ATF may investigate such activities and, where appropriate, refer them for potential enforcement actions. ATF considers willful violations of the GCA, including the types described in this document, an investigative priority.

Firearms Guide
Publication of Federal Explosives Laws and Regulations (ATF P 5400.7) (4325 KB)

Also known as the "Orange Book," this documentation provides federal explosives law and regulations and reflects changes and developments in response to the Safe Explosives Act of 2002.

Explosives Report
Publication on Daily Summary of Magazine Transactions (DSMT) (ATF P 5400.18) (499 KB)
This publication provides information on Daily Summary of Magazine Transactions (DSMT), which is a running balance of explosive materials in a magazine and includes a must have listing.
Explosives Guide
Publication on Explosives Magazine Construction Requirements (ATF P 5400.17) (476 KB)
This publication provides information on magazine explosives classes and storage requirements.
Explosives Guide
Publication on Fireworks Reminders (ATF P 5400.24) (1598 KB)
This publication is an overview intended as an aid to compliance with regulatory requirements, not a replacement for the Federal explosives regulations at 27 CFR, Part 555.
Explosives Guide
Publication on National Response Team (ATF P 3510.1) (9227 KB)

This publication describes the National Response Team (NRT) and its functions and responsibilities.

Resource Center Report
Publication on Safety and Security Information for Federal Explosives Licensees and Permittees (ATF P 5400.15) (1779 KB)
This document provides all members of the explosives industry with the importance of employing security safeguards over explosives materials.
Explosives Guide
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