Publications Library

ATF occasionally issues publications to inform the industries it regulates and the general public about the laws and regulations administered and enforced by ATF. These include guidebooks, newsletters, brochures, studies, and reports.

Titlesort ascending Description Category Document Type
Explosives Industry Newsletter - October 2021 (526 KB)

What's in this Issue?: New Assistant Director and Deputy Assistant Director, Enforcement Programs and Services; FEID Personnel Changes, Updated Form for Explosives Theft or Loss; Articles Pyrotechnic Exemption; Overview of IMESAFR; Reporting Employee Possessors; Changes to the List of Explosive Materials; Report Suspicious Activity; Underground Storage Reminder; Authorized Persons List; Question and Answers; Updated Publications; 2020 ATF Webinar

Explosives Newsletter
Explosives Industry Newsletter - November 2001 (578 KB)
Explosives Newsletter
Explosives Industry Newsletter - June 2023 (501 KB)

What’s In This Issue: New Chief, EIPB; Importation and Manufacture of Small Arms Ammunition and Components; Importation of Articles Pyrotechnic Marked as Display Fireworks; Indoor Storage in Residences/Dwellings; Open letter – Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems; Distance Requirements for Ammonium Nitrate Products; Black Powder Exemption Reminder; Less Lethal Munitions Marking Requirements; ATF Ruling 2011-3 Reminder; Government Exemptions; Storage at Correctional Facilities; Q&As; Receiving ATF Website Update Notices

Explosives Newsletter
Explosives Industry Newsletter - June 2016 Addendum (73 KB)

National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA): Crime Guns - Volume Two Report

Firearms Report
Explosives Industry Newsletter - June 2016 (420 KB)
What’s in this Issue: New Division Chief; Bomb Threat and Suspicious Package Publication; Transfer of Unmarked Explosive Materials; Nitrocellulose; Storage in Trailers; Type 2 Magazine Floors and Roofs; Highways; Marijuana Use and Prohibited Persons; Background Investigation and Denial; Lost, Stolen or Destroyed IPECs; Lists of Authorized Persons; Remote Storage Locations and RPs; Seismic and Geophysical Operations¼Continued; 2015 Annual List of Explosives
Explosives Newsletter
Explosives Industry Newsletter - July 2017 (238 KB)
What's in this issue: Updated Safety and Security Publication; Structures Used for Indoor Storage; Firework Processes and Manufacturing; Distribution Dates; Identification of Explosive Materials; Q&As; How to read an Explosive License or Permit Number; and List of Active Explosives Rulings.


Explosives Newsletter
Explosives Industry Newsletter - December 2019 (1152 KB)

What's in this Issue?: FEID Personnel Changes; ATF Field Division Realignment; 27 CFR, Part 555 - Technical Changes; Final Rule Creates Part 771; FEL eZ Check; Preventing Explosives Losses; E-Regulations That Work For You; ATF Explosives Detection Canines; New Mailing Address; Final Rul Removes Reference Note; Explosives Violations; Q&As; Licensee/Permittee Population; Submit a Tip; Explosives Thefts

Explosives Newsletter
Explosives Industry Newsletter - December 2019 (226 KB)

What's in this issue:  FEID Personnel Changes; ATF Field Division Realignment; 27 CFR, Part 555 - Technical Changes; Final Rule Creates Part 771; FEL eZ Check; Preventing Explosives Losses; E-Regulations That Work For You; ATF Explosives Detection Canines; New Mailing Address; Final Rule Removes Reference Note; Explosives Violations; Q&As;  Licensee/Permittee Population

Explosives Newsletter
Explosives Industry Newsletter - December 2010 (770 KB)

What's in this issue?: New Chief of Explosives Industry Programs Branch, New Web Page, Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, ATF Ruling—Storage of Loaded Perforating Gun Assemblies, Dosed Gas Systems,m Federal Explosives Exemptions for U.S. Federal, State, and Local Government Agencies, Fireworks Storage Bins, Marking Requirements and Transfers of Damaged or Defective Display Fireworks, The Federal Explosives Regulations Pertaining to Fuses, and Fuzes Activities Conducted at Remote Storage Facilities, Note to Explosives Importers or User Permittees Importing Explosive Materials, Requirements for Marking Packages, Notification of Explosives Magazine Changes, Faxed or Scanned Copies of Licenses and Permits, Key Federal Agencies with Oversight over Explosives, Explosives Thefts

Explosives Newsletter
Explosives Industry Newsletter - December 2009 (1060 KB)
What’s in this Issue: Carson W. Carroll, Assistant Director, Enforcement; Programs and Services, Retires; 2009 Institute of Makers of Explosives (IME) Spring Meeting; 2010 International Society of Explosives; Engineers (ISEE) Conference; Type-1 Igloo or “Army-type Structure” Explosives Magazines Day Boxes; Table of Distances and Barricades; Recording Explosive Materials ”Used” Inspection Violations; Black Powder Blanks; Deteriorated Explosives; U.S. Department of Defense Exemption Application to Contractors Storage of Exempt Explosive Materials in Magazines; Notice of Errata; Orange Book Errata; Licensee/Permittee Population
Explosives Newsletter
Explosives Industry Newsletter - August 2015 (406 KB)
What’s in this Issue:  New Acting Director; New Assistant Director, Enforcement; Programs and Services; New Chief of EIPB; Magazine Identification Program; Less Lethal Devices; Fireworks Reminders; NPRM to Remove Reference Note; Marking and Recording Bulk Explosives; Internal Transfers of Explosives; Plywood, Hardwood and ATF Ruling 76-18; Using Commercial Records Explosives Thefts—2013 thru 2014
Explosives Newsletter
Explosives in Transit (307 KB)
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), has regulatory and civil enforcement authority over the transportation of explosive materials in commerce.
Explosives Guide
Explanation of the Hearing Process (336 KB)
This is a brochure provides general guidance and an overview of the hearing process for federal firearms licensees (FFLs). 
Firearms Guide
Employee Possessor (Presentation - Sept. 18, 2020) (272 KB)

This presentation defines an Employee Possessor and provides the procedures for reporting Employee Possessors to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the clearance process, and at what point an employee may possess explosives.

Explosives Guide
eForms New Users First Time Login (1365 KB) Firearms Guide
eForms Existing Legacy Users First Time Login (1788 KB) Firearms Guide
East Saint Louis, IL - State Report - Addendum City Report (2648 KB)

National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA): Crime Guns - Volume Two Report

Firearms Report
Dixie Homes Gang Members Indicted on Drug Conspiracy Charges (435 KB)

MEMPHIS, TN – June 18, 2015 – Four members of the Dixie Homes Murda Gang/47 Neighborhood Crips have been indicted on drug-trafficking charges, an operation allegedly directed by one member even while he was behind bars, Shelby County Dist. Atty. Gen. Amy Weirich said Thursday.

News Report
District of Columbia Firearms Trace Data – 2014 (1854 KB)

This brochure contains trace data related information from January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014.

About ATF Report
District of Columbia Firearms Statutes and Codes (493 KB)

From the 35th Edition of State Laws and Published Ordinances - Firearms (ATF P 5300.5)

Firearms Guide
District of Columbia - State Report - Territories (3001 KB)

National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA): Crime Guns - Volume Two Report

Firearms Report
Disaster Preparedness for Federal Firearms Licensees (ATF P 3317.7) (753 KB)

Information for FFLs on how to establish a disaster preparedness plan and key elements to include, as well as links to other disaster preparation resources.

Firearms Guide
Detroit, MI - State Report - Large Cities (2885 KB)

National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA): Crime Guns - Volume Two Report

Firearms Report
Department of the Treasury Study on the Sporting Suitability of Modified Semiautomatic Assault Rifles (4/98) (3396 KB)

On November 14, 1997, the President and the Secretary of the Treasury ordered a review of the importation of certain modified versions of semi-automatic assault rifles into the United States. The decision to conduct this review stemmed in part from concerns expressed by members of Congress and others that the rifles being imported were essentially the same as semi-automatic assault rifles previously determined to be nonimportable in a 1989 decision by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). The decision also stemmed from the fact that nearly 10 years had passed since the last comprehensive review of the importation of rifles, and many new rifles had been developed during this time.

Resource Center Guide
Department of Defense Contractor Inspections: ATF Inspection Process (Firearms) (74 KB)
This document provides information on ATF’s compliance inspection process and is intended to help Federal firearms or explosives licensees who are DOD contractors prepare for and participate in an ATF compliance inspection.
Firearms Guide
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