Publications Library

ATF occasionally issues publications to inform the industries it regulates and the general public about the laws and regulations administered and enforced by ATF. These include guidebooks, newsletters, brochures, studies, and reports.

Titlesort descending Description Category Document Type
Winston-Salem, NC - State Report - Small City (2886 KB)

National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA): Crime Guns - Volume Two Report

Firearms Report
Wisconsin - State Report (6689 KB)

National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA): Crime Guns - Volume Two Report

Firearms Report
Wisconsin Firearms Statutes and Codes (603 KB)

From the 34th Edition of State Laws and Published Ordinances - Firearms (ATF P 5300.5)

Firearms Guide
Wisconsin Firearms Trace Data - 2014 (1611 KB) This brochure contains trace data related information from January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014. About ATF Report
wisconsin_10.24.2024_508_compliance.pdf (72 KB) Asset Forfeiture Report
Wyoming - State Report (6685 KB)

National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA): Crime Guns - Volume Two Report

Firearms Report
Wyoming Firearms Statutes and Codes (318 KB)

From the 34th Edition of State Laws and Published Ordinances - Firearms (ATF P 5300.5)

Firearms Guide
Wyoming Firearms Trace Data - 2014 (1717 KB) This brochure contains trace data related information from January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014. About ATF Report
Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative Report 1997 (279 KB) The Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative is a 17-city demonstration project aimed at reducing youth firearms violence. Officials from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), police chiefs, local prosecutors, and U.S. attorneys are developing information about illegal trafficking of firearms to young people and new methods of reducing the illegal supply of firearms to them. The initiative was developed by ATF and its National Tracing Center, funded by the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Enforcement and the National Institute of Justice, and announced by President Clinton on July 8, 1996. Firearms Report
Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative Report 1998 (290 KB) This is the second year that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has published a report on the results of crime gun traces conducted by ATF’s National Tracing Center at the request of Federal, State and local law enforcement officials participating in the Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative (YCGII). Publication of this Report serves three of ATF’s critical missions: vigorous investigation of illegal transfers of firearms; assisting State and local law enforcement agencies in enforcing their firearm laws; and informing the public. Firearms Report
Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative Report 1999 (279 KB)

ATF established the Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative (YCGII) in 1996 to focus special agent and inspector resources on reducing youth gun violence. To increase our effectiveness, we resolved to equip our investigators and their State and local counterparts with more facts about how violent youth obtained guns. We asked our colleagues in State and local law enforcement to help us systematically follow the gun used in crime to help identify violent criminals and their illegal suppliers by tracing all crime guns with the National Tracing Center.     

Firearms Report
Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative Report 2000 (189 KB) This publication of crime gun data for calendar year 2000 marks the fourth annual compilation of firearms trace analyses since the inception of the Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative (YCGII) in 1996. As the number of communities involved has increased from the original 17 to 55, so has the value of this information as a relevant tool for law enforcement. With this knowledge, communities have formulated sound gun enforcement strategies for proactive use in firearms investigations. This is a direct result of the strong partnerships our agents have forged with every participating agency. Any level of success is impossible without this valued cooperation. Firearms Report
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