Publications Library

ATF occasionally issues publications to inform the industries it regulates and the general public about the laws and regulations administered and enforced by ATF. These include guidebooks, newsletters, brochures, studies, and reports.

Titlesort ascending Description Category Document Type
ATF Industry Circular 72-30: Identification of Personal Firearms at Premises (361 KB)

The purpose of this circular is to urge licensed firearms dealers to identify their personal collection of firearms kept at the business premises.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 2003-2: Establishing the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (54 KB)

The purpose of this industry circular is to advise firearms and ammunition excise taxpayers that effective January 24, 2003, a new Treasury agency, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, will be responsible for administering the firearms and ammunition excise tax laws and regulations currently administered by ATF.

Firearms Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 2003-1: Establishment of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (52 KB)

The purpose of this industry circular is to advise members of the alcohol and tobacco industries that, effective January 24, 2003, a new Treasury agency, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), will be responsible for administering the alcohol and tobacco laws noted below and implementing regulations currently administered by ATF.

Alcohol & Tobacco Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 2000-4: Sale Of Certain Tobacco Products And Cigarette Papers And Tubes On Or After February 7, 2001 (34 KB)

This industry circular warns businesses about selling or holding for sale tobacco products and cigarette papers or tubes manufactured in the United States and labeled for exportation. On or after February 7, 2001, if you sell or hold for sale such products for domestic consumption, you may incur civil and criminal penalties.

Resource Center Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 1999-2: Unlawful Transportation, Shipment or Sale of Cigarettes (249 KB)

This circular reminds all persons of the federal law (and penalties) applying to the shipments, sale or possession of cigarettes and to the domestic sales of cigarettes marked for export. Additionally, this circular addresses the sale of cigarettes on Native American tribal reservations.

Alcohol & Tobacco Industry Circular
ATF Industry Circular 1985-2: Importation of National Firearms Act Curio and Relic Firearms (691 KB)

This circular provides information concerning the importation of National Firearms Act (NFA) firearms for use as a sample for sales to law enforcement agencies when such firearms have been determined to be curios or relics.

Firearms Industry Circular
ATF I 5400.4 — Safe Explosives Act Informational Poster (15 KB) After May 24, 2003, you will no longer be able to purchase or receive explosives without a Federal license or permit. This includes explosives purchases within your own State. Explosives Report
ATF I 5300.2 — Youth Handgun Safety Act Notice (97 KB)
Federal law prohibits, except in certain limited circumstances, anyone under 18 years of age from knowingly possessing a handgun, or any person from selling, delivering, or otherwise transferring a handgun to a person under 18. A knowing violation of the prohibition against selling, delivering, or otherwise transferring a handgun to a person under the age of 18 is, under certain circumstances, punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
Firearms Guide
ATF I 3310.4 — Federal Firearms Prohibitions Under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(4) – Persons Adjudicated as a Mental Defective or Committed to a Mental Institution (100 KB)
Any person who has been "adjudicated as a mental defective" or "committed to a mental institution" is prohibited under Federal law from shipping, transporting, receiving, or possessing any firearm or ammunition. Violation of this Federal offense is punishable by a fine of $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to ten years.
Resource Center Guide
ATF Guidebook - Importation & Verification of Firearms, Ammunition, and Implements of War (4743 KB)

This publication was prepared by ATF's Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch (FEIB) to assist importers and other firearms industry members in identifying firearms, ammunition, and defense articles that may be imported into the United States and to further clarify and facilitate the import process.

Firearms Guide
ATF Form 7 5310.12 7cr 5310.16 OMB 1140-0018.pdf (195 KB)

Description :Application for Federal Firearms License – 30 day Notice – comment period ends March 5, 2015

Summary :The form is used to obtain permission to export firearms and serves as a vehicle to allow either the removal of the firearm from registration in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record or collection of an excise tax. It is used by Federal firearms licensees and others to obtain a benefit. The change to this form is to reflect the Department of State and the Department of Commerce share responsibility for issuance of export licenses.

Resource Center Report
ATF Form 7 5310.12 7cr 5310.16 OMB 1140-0018-60.pdf (206 KB)

Description :Application for Federal Firearms License –60 day Notice – comment period ends January 25, 2015

Summary :In accordance with 18 U.S.C. 923(a)(1) each person intending to engage in business as a firearms or ammunition importer or manufacturer, or dealer in firearms shall file an application, pay the required fee with ATF and obtain a license before engaging in business. The information requested on the form will be used to determine eligibility for the license as required by 18 U.S.C. Section 923.

Resource Center Report
ATF Form 5400.28 OMB 1140-0072.pdf (189 KB)

Description :Employee Possessor Questionnaire – 30 day Notice – comment period ends March 26, 2015.

Summary :Each employee possessor in the explosives business or operations required to ship, transport, receive, or possess (actual or constructive), explosive materials must submit this form. The form will be submitted to ATF to determine whether the person who provided the information is qualified to be an employee possessor in an explosive business.

Resource Center Report
ATF Form 5400.28 OMB 1140-0072-60.pdf (189 KB)

Description :Employee Possessor Questionnaire – 60 day Notice – comment period ends February 17, 2015

Summary :Each employee possessor in the explosives business or operations required to ship, transport, receive, or possess (actual or constructive), explosive materials must submit this form. The form will be submitted to ATF to determine whether the person who provided the information is qualified to be an employee possessor in an explosive business.

Resource Center Report
ATF Form 5330.20 OMB 1140-0061.pdf (194 KB)

Description :Application for Federal Firearms License –60 day Notice – comment period ends July 21, 2015

Summary :The law at 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(5)(B) makes it unlawful for any nonimmigrant alien to ship or transport in interstate commerce, or possess in or affecting commerce, any firearm, ammunition, which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.

Resource Center Report
ATF Form 5320.9 OMB 1140-0008.pdf (194 KB)

Description :Application and Permit for Permanent Exportation of Firearms – 30 day Notice – comment period ends 3-5-15

Summary :The form will be used by the public when applying for Federal firearms license and collector of curios and relics license to facilitate a personal collection in interstate and foreign commerce. The information requested on the form will be used by ATF to determine whether the individual is qualified to be a responsible person in a firearms business or as a collector. The form will also be used to add responsible persons to existing Federal firearms licenses.

Resource Center Report
ATF Form 5320.20 OMB Number 1140-0010 application to transport interstate or temporarily export certain national firearms act.pdf (207 KB)

Description :Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed eCollection; eComments Requested – Action: 60-day Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Application to Transport Interstate or Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act (NFA) Firearms

Summary :In response to the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 Section 130002(b) as amended in 1996, the Office of Justice Programs’ (OJP) Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) administers the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Resource Center Report
ATF Form 5300.5 OMB 1140-0024.pdf (189 KB)

Description :Report of Firearms Transaction-Demand 2 – 30 day Notice – comment period ends 4-27-15

Summary :The information collection documents transactions of firearms for law enforcement purposes. ATF uses the information to determine that the transaction is in accordance with laws and regulations, and establishes the person(s) involved in the transactions.

Resource Center Report
ATF Form 3310.4 OMB 1140-0003.pdf (202 KB)

Description :Proposed eCollection; eComments Requested – Action: 30-day Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Pistols and Revolvers

Summary :The information documents certain sales or other dispositions of handguns for law enforcement purposes and determines if the buyer is involved in an unlawful activity, or is a person prohibited by law from obtaining firearms.

Resource Center Report
ATF Form 3310.4 OMB 1140-0003-60.pdf (195 KB)

Description :Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Pistols and Revolvers – 60 day Notice – comment period ends April 20, 2015

Summary :The information documents certain sales or other dispositions of handguns for law enforcement purposes and determines if the buyer is involved in an unlawful activity, or is a person prohibited by law from obtaining firearms.

Resource Center Report
ATF Firearms Tracing Guide (ATF P 3312.13) (3169 KB) This booklet will help you understand the firearms trace process.  It contains instructions on requesting a trace; understanding trace results; capabilities of comprehensive firearms tracing; and, how to establish a tracing program. Firearms Guide
ATF Fire Research Laboratory (Technical Bulletin 002) - Arc Mapping as a Tool for Fire Investigations (315 KB)

ATF Fire Research Laboratory Technical Bulletin 002 - Arc Mapping as a Tool for Fire Investigations - March 2017

ATF eForms 4473 User Manual (3250 KB)

This user manual is to be used by federal firearms licensees who have downloaded ATF's e4473 form. 

Firearms Guide
ATF Disclosure Of Firearms Trace Data (ATF P 3312.11) (0 KB)
This brochure clarifies ATF's disclosure policy regarding trace data.
Firearms Guide
ATF 9F (73 KB)

This final rule conforms the regulations in 27 CFR Part 447 to the revised International Traffic in Arms Regulations by amending the list of countries from which the importation of defense articles into the United States is proscribed by adding Afghanistan and removing South Africa and some of the states composing the former Soviet Union (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Tajikistan). The rule also removes the arms embargo against the countries of Serbia and Montenegro. It also clarifies an outdated reference in the regulations to Zaire, currently known as the ‘‘Democratic Republic of the Congo,’’ and makes a miscellaneous technical amendment to the regulations.

Rules and Regulations Report
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