Rules and Regulations Library

Titlesort ascending Description Category Document Type
Technical Amendments (2013R-9F) (66 KB)

This final rule makes technical amendments and corrects typographical errors in ATF regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Many of the technical changes are being made to reflect changes in nomenclature resulting   from the transfer of ATF to the Department of Justice from the Department of the Treasury pursuant to the Homeland Security Act of 2002. The changes are designed to provide clarity and enhance uniformity throughout these regulations.

Resource Center Rulemaking
South Dakota-Oct1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (44 KB) The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in South Dakota of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law. Firearms Open Letter
South Dakota-March 2021-Open Letter-Regular Concealed Carry Permit as NICS Alternative (206 KB)

A South Dakota Regular Concealed Carry Permit, issued on or after July 1, 2018, can be used as an alternative to the required NICS background check.

Firearms Open Letter
South Dakota-Feb2017-Open Letter-South Dakota's Gold Card Concealed Pistol Permit and Enhanced Permit to Carry a Concealed Pistol (34 KB)
The purpose of this letter is to advise South Dakota Federal Firearms Licensees regarding ATF's determination of the South Dakota’s Gold Card Concealed Pistol Permit and Enhanced Permit to Carry a Concealed Pistol as alternatives to the background check. 
Firearms Open Letter
South Carolina-Sept1999-Open Letter-Notice of Amendment-South Carolina Ceases Operations as NICS Point of Contact (98 KB)
The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division has now notified ATF and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that they will cease operations as the NICS point of contact on September 30, 1999.  Therefore, beginning October 1, 1999, in order to initiate a NICS check for any firearm, South Carolina licensees must contact the FBI’s NICS Operations Center
Firearms Open Letter
South Carolina-Nov1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (45 KB) The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in South Carolina of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law. Firearms Open Letter
South Carolina-Dec1998-Open Letter-Correction Notice-Change to South Carolina Background Check Procedures (145 KB) This correction notice provides information regarding a change in the background check procedures for firearms transfers by all South Carolina Federal firearms licensees (FFLs).  Firearms Open Letter
South Carolina-Aug2008-Open Letter-Amendment to South Carolina Law Prohibiting Handgun Sales to Persons Under Eighteen Years of Age (104 KB)
The purpose of this letter is to advise you that the recent amendment to Section 16-23-30, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the unlawful sale of handguns to certain person, so as to prohibit the sale of a handgun to persons under eighteen years of age rather than under twenty-one years of age has no effect on Federal firearms laws and regulations.
Firearms Open Letter
Separation of Distances of Ammonium Nitrate and Blasting Agents from Explosives or Blasting Agents (2002R-226P) Sept. 16, 2010 (60 KB)

The Department of Justice (Department) intends to amend the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to replace the regulations’ reference to an outdated guidance document. Based upon a  petition ATF received, the Department wishes to gather information and comments from the public and industry about possible replacements for this guidance document.

Explosives Rulemaking
Separation of Distances of Ammonium Nitrate and Blasting Agents from Explosives or Blasting Agents (2002R-226P) May 29, 2015 (74 KB)

The Department of Justice proposes amending Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) regulations to remove the reference to an outdated guidance document in an explanatory note following the table of separation distances of ammonium nitrate and blasting agents from explosives or blasting agents. The Department also proposes amending that note to clarify that those separation distance requirements apply to all ammonium nitrate.

Explosives Rulemaking
SB Criteria Withdrawal Notice 12-23-20.pdf (106 KB)

ATF is announcing the withdrawal of a notice and request for comments entitled “Objective Factors for Classifying Weapons with ‘Stabilizing Braces’,” that was published on December 18, 2020.

Firearms General Notice
RIA - Final Rule 2021R-05F - Definition of "Frame or Receiver" and Identification of Firearms (1063 KB)

Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) and Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis of Final Rule 2021R-05F, Definition of “Frame or Receiver” and Identification of Firearms

Firearms Rulemaking
Rhode Island-Oct1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (648 KB) The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in Rhode Island of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law. Firearms Open Letter
Rev. Rul. 54-181 Classification of certain weapons as any other weapon (318 KB)

This ruling advises that certain weapons fall within the definition of an “any other weapon” within the purview of the Federal Firearms Act.

Firearms Ruling
Residency Requirements for Aliens Acquiring Firearms (2011R-23P) (72 KB)

The Department of Justice is amending the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) by removing the 90-day State residency requirement for aliens lawfully present in the United States to purchase  or acquire a firearm. The Department has determined that the Gun Control Act does not permit ATF to impose a regulatory requirement that aliens lawfully present in the United States are subject to a 90-day State residency requirement when such a requirement is not applicable to U.S. citizens. In addition, upon the effective date of this interim final rule the provisions of ATF Ruling 2004–1 will become obsolete.

Firearms Rulemaking
Reorganization of Title 27, Code of Federal Regulations (132 KB)

The Homeland Security Act of 2002 divides the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Department of the Treasury, into two separate agencies, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) in the Department of Justice, and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) in the Department of the Treasury. These changes require reorganization of title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations. This final rule renames chapter I, establishes a new chapter II in 27 CFR, and removes certain regulations from chapter I and recodifies them in the new chapter II.

Resource Center Rulemaking
Recordkeeping Regulations - Technical Amendment to 27 CFR 478.125 (54 KB) This final rule makes technical amendments to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) regulations in title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) pertaining to certain firearms recordkeeping requirements in 27 CFR 478.125 and 478.125a to provide clarity and enhance uniformity.  The technical changes are being made in the wording of three tables to reflect the same wording in the body of the regulations associated with the tables regarding the required description of firearms for recordkeeping purposes Rules and Regulations Rulemaking
Puerto Rico-Oct1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (69 KB) Open Letter to All FFL's regarding Brady Law. Firearms Open Letter
Public Safety Advisory - Consumer Fireworks - June 2023 (211 KB)

Public Safety Advisory - Consumer Fireworks, June 2023

Explosives Public Advisory
Public Advisory to All Michigan FFLs 03-03-20 (567 KB)

The purpose of this public safety advisory is to advise all Michigan federal firearms licensees (FFLs) of an important change to the procedure they must follow to comply with the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Brady law), 18 U.S.C. § 922(t), when transferring a firearm to an unlicensed person.

Firearms Open Letter
Pennsylvania-Oct1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (780 KB) The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in Pennsylvania of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law. Firearms Open Letter
Pennsylvania-Dec2005-Open Letter-Private Transfers of Firearms and Using NICS or the Pennsylvania Instant Check System (PICS) (37 KB)
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has received questions from firearms dealers in Pennsylvania concerning the use of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)/Pennsylvania Instant Check System (PICS) to do background checks of people who are acquiring firearms from other nonlicensees in what are commonly called “private transfers.”
Firearms Open Letter
Oregon-Nov1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (914 KB) The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in Oregon of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law. Firearms Open Letter
Oregon-Dec2000-Open Letter-Notice of Amendment for All Oregon Firearms Background Checks (101 KB)
The provision of Oregon State law regarding all firearms background checks was recently amended. Effective December 8, 2000, the Oregon State Police will act as the point of contact for all firearms background checks (handguns and long guns).
Firearms Open Letter
Open Letter Federal Firearms Licensees Ready Ability (238 KB)

The purpose of this open letter is to remind all Federal firearms licensees (FFL) of their ready ability to enhance public safety and assist law enforcement by encouraging and facilitating transfers of firearms between private individuals through their businesses.

Firearms Open Letter
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