Are NFA applications processed in a “first in, first out” basis?

No. While “first in, first out” is a guiding principle, NFA Division will focus its resources on processing those NFA applications that have received a “proceed” from FBI-NICS in response to the required background check.  NFA applications were previously processed on a “first in, first out” basis, which resulted in delayed processing for NFA applications with a proceeded background check. For example, previously, a NFA application with a proceeded background check would not be processed until a NFA application with a delayed background check was resolved. Now, the NFA application with a proceeded background check gets priority for processing.  NFA will continue to submit background checks to FBI-NICS in the order applications are received. NFA Division will then process NFA applications as it receives background check responses from FBI-NICS.

Last Reviewed April 23, 2024