Explosives Industry Newsletter - December 2010

What's in this issue?: New Chief of Explosives Industry Programs Branch, New Web Page, Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, ATF Ruling—Storage of Loaded Perforating Gun Assemblies, Dosed Gas Systems,m Federal Explosives Exemptions for U.S. Federal, State, and Local Government Agencies, Fireworks Storage Bins, Marking Requirements and Transfers of Damaged or Defective Display Fireworks, The Federal Explosives Regulations Pertaining to Fuses, and Fuzes Activities Conducted at Remote Storage Facilities, Note to Explosives Importers or User Permittees Importing Explosive Materials, Requirements for Marking Packages, Notification of Explosives Magazine Changes, Faxed or Scanned Copies of Licenses and Permits, Key Federal Agencies with Oversight over Explosives, Explosives Thefts