If my agency applies for an ORI and access to NCIC, without being an NCIC terminal entity, are we then able to have full access to BATS?

Requests for an ORI number must be sent to your state’s respective CJIS Systems Officer (CSO), along with supporting documentation to include the department’s statutory authority, the budget of the subunit (e.g., fire investigation unit, arson squad, bomb squad, etc.), the duties and functions of the subunit, as well as any training and certifications relative to the mission of the subunit.

Upon approval by the CSO, the request will be forwarded to the FBI, Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division to determine if the agency meets the criteria for ORI assignment as contained in the DOJ Regulations on Criminal Justice Information Systems (Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations [CFR], Part 20, Subpart A).

Please note that ATF and the USBDC are not involved in the ORI application process.

Last Reviewed September 23, 2016