Will my case information be shared with other agencies?

BATS has multiple security measures built in order to prevent outside, unauthorized access to the data contained therein. In addition, each agency controls the level of access to their BATS incident information by other local, state, and federal agencies in order to protect the sensitivity of their investigations while conforming to their internal policies for information dissemination. Investigators have the option to specify on a case-by-case basis one of three options in order to protect their data inputs. Items entered can be designated as either Unrestricted (which allows any BATS user access to all but juvenile-related data), Restricted (provides only contact information for the case investigator in order to request access to the information), or Notify Me If Viewed. The case is designated as unrestricted but the original contributor will be notified when there is an attempt to view the data. In addition, a user can select which agency (or specific investigator) to share with, thus allowing them to work collaboratively. The USBDC encourages users to un-restrict access to closed and other inactive cases in order to facilitate sharing within the BATS user community. Note: Regardless of the sharing level, non-law enforcement agencies (e.g., public safety agencies without an ORI) cannot query law enforcement cases.
Last Reviewed September 23, 2016