About the St. Paul Field Division

Welcome to ATF’s St. Paul Field Division. From the pristine Lake Michigan shores of Wisconsin, extending west through Minnesota’s “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” and continuing to the Black Hills of South Dakota and the Badlands of Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota, the St. Paul Field Division has a large geographic area of responsibility. Our dedicated work force is comprised of special agents, investigators, auditors, intelligence specialists, surveillance specialists, and support staff.

ATF’s St. Paul Field Division special agents combat firearms violence by focusing their investigative efforts on armed violent offenders, career criminals, gun traffickers and violent gangs that plague our communities. We work in close partnership with the local, state and federal law enforcement agencies throughout our field division to accomplish this mission. We are also proactive in investigating violations of federal law pertaining to arson and explosives. Our high success rate in solving these investigations is a direct correlation of our close working relationship with the state fire marshals, local fire departments and police bomb squads.

Our notable investigations include our response to the arson and shooting incidents that occurred during and after the 2020 civil unrest in the Twin Cities, firearms trafficking/straw purchasing conspiracy investigations which have helped to identify individuals arming prohibited persons, and our continued aggressive pursuit of those who perpetrate firearms violence in our communities.

In addition to our criminal enforcement work, ATF also has the duty of regulating the firearms and explosives industries throughout our four-state area. Our industry operations investigators work to ensure that all firearms and explosives are stored, handled, and sold in a safe manner according to law.

We encourage all residents to get involved and assist us in the goal of reducing violent crime in our communities. Give us a call and let us know what we can do for you. Our phone number is (651) 726-0200.


Last Reviewed September 17, 2024