Firearms Open Letters

Titlesort ascending Description
All FFLs-Sept2004-Open Letter-Expiration of the Ban on the Importation of SAWs and LCAFDs (44.22 KB)
This open letter is to advise the import community of the provisions of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 that no longer apply to the manufacture, transfer and possession of semiautomatic assault weapons (SAWs) and to transfer and possess large capacity ammunition feeding devices (LCAFDs).
All FFLs-Sep2012-Open Letter-Building Positive Working Relationships with Industry Members (160.7 KB) This open letter was sent from ATF's Deputy Director to all Federal firearms licensees and all Federal explosives licensees/permittees discussing how ATF continues to work towards maintaining and building positive working relationships industry members, trade associations, law enforcement, and the general public.
All FFLs-Open Letter-Nov 2023-Solvent Trap Devices (365.64 KB)

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) recently examined devices commonly marketed as “solvent traps” and has determined that some of them are “firearm silencers” as defined in the Gun Control Act (GCA) and as defined in the National Firearms Act (NFA).

All FFLs-Oct2007-Open Letter-Availability of the Personal Firearms Record, ATF Form 3312.8 (85.09 KB)
The purpose of this open letter is to make you aware of the availability of ATF Publication 3312.8, Personal Firearms Record.  This record is to help firearms owners adequately identify their firearms in case of a theft or loss. 
All FFLs-Oct1998-Open Letter-Pawnbroker Transactions (29.24 KB)
The Omnibus Appropriations Act for 1999 provides that a pawnbroker may complete a NICS check when a firearm is offered as collateral for a loan, at the option of the dealer.  ATF will be publishing a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking setting forth the procedures pawnbrokers must follow if they wish to complete the optional NICS check at the time a firearm is offered for pawn.
All FFLs-Nov2011-Open Letter-Recent Changes to Florida State Law (62.6 KB)
The purpose of this open letter is to provide guidance on the recent changes to Florida State law and to assist Federal firearms licensees in complying with Federal firearms laws and regulations and how they may affect Florida county ordinances that require sellers to wait five days before delivering a firearms.
All FFLs-Nov2005-Open Letter-Lawful Importation of Certain Firearm Barrels into the United States for Commercial Purposes (34.31 KB)
The purpose of this open letter is to update licensed and registered importers of firearms, ammunition and other regulated commodities on the lawful importation of certain firearm barrels into the United States for commercial purposes.
All FFLs-Nov2003-Open Letter-Procedual Guidance Regarding the Handling of ATF Form 4473 After a Firearms Transaction (1.09 MB)
This letter serves to provide Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) with procedural guidance regarding the handling of ATF From 4473, Firearms Transaction Record, after a firearm transaction has occurred. 
All FFLs-Nov2001-Open Letter-Supporting Documentation for the Importation of Surplus Military Curio or Relic Firearms (89.89 KB) In response to the recent number of inquiries from licensed importers concerning the importation of surplus military curio or relic firearms and the submission of supporting documentation, ATF has published ATF Ruling 2001-3.
All FFLs-May2013-Open Letter-Prohibited Transfers of Firearms to Foreign Purchaser (75.08 KB)

The purpose of this open letter is to advise federal firearms licensees that arranging for the exportation of firearms and ammunition through in-person disposition to foreign purchasers at airline ticket counters of local international airports violates the Gun Control Act of 1968.

All FFLs-May2011-Open Letter-Complying with Recordkeeping Requirements When the Initial NICS Response is Changed (101.56 KB) The purpose of this open letter is to provide guidance to Federal firearms licensees (FFLs) on how to comply with recordkeeping requirements when there is a change to the response initially received by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) during a background check for a firearm transfer.
All FFLs-May2008-Open Letter-Security Firms Temporarily Assigning Firearms to Unlicensed Employees (95.91 KB) The purpose of this open letter is to inform security firms and other persons who have Federal firearms licenses (FFLs), and who may temporarily assign firearms to their unlicensed employees in furtherance of legitimate business purposes, of the statutory and regulatory requirements that affect them.
All FFLs-May2008-Open Letter-Procedual Guidance for Licensed and/or Registered Importers for ATF Form 6A (299.9 KB) This open letter is a reminder of the procedures to follow when completing ATF Form 6A as outlined in 27 CFR 478.112 and on the instruction page of the form.
All FFLs-May2007-Open Letter-Virginia Tech Tragic Events (90.52 KB) We at ATF were saddened by the tragic events that unfolded at Virginia Tech just last month. In the immediate aftermath, many questions arose about whether the person responsible for the shootings was prohibited under Federal law from possessing a firearm.
All FFLs-May2007-Open Letter-Guidelines for Natural Disasters (135.14 KB) This open letter provides guidance on certain regulatory requirements and voluntary security measures, as well as recommended guidelines for securing and moving firearms records and inventory in the event of a natural disaster.
All FFLs-May2006-Open Letter-New E-mail Service Available to Federal Firearms Licensees (25.93 KB)

ATF is offering Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) a new option to receive ATF information by email. This voluntary service will allow FFLs to receive newsletters, open letters, and important notices by email.

All FFLs-May2006-Open Letter-Flare Inserts-Any Other Weapon (711.28 KB)
This open letter provides informations regarding the use of an insert/sleeve designed to be installed in an Orion 25mm/12 gauge flare launcher that allows the use of conventional ammunition in these flare launchers.
All FFLs-May2006-Open Letter-Adding a Vertical Fore Grip to a Handgun (192.32 KB) This open letter provides information regarding the affect of adding a vertical fore grip to a handgun, therefore making it a firearm that falls under the National Firearms Act (NFA).
All FFLs-May2004-Open Letter-Importation of Articles Added by the Amendment to Annex A of the Voluntary Restraint Agreement (VRA) (42.08 KB) A decision was agreed upon to amend Annex A of the Voluntary Restraint Agreement (VRA) by adding 74 types of firearms to the list. Please note, that even though these 74 firearms have been added to Annex A, ATF will still need to determine the importability of some of these firearms.
All FFLs-Mar2006-Open Letter-Filing National Firearms Act (NFA) Transaction Forms by Facsimile Transmission (34.03 KB) This is to update information regarding the filing of certain National Firearms Act (NFA) forms by facsimile transmission as the functions of the NFA Branch have been relocated to Martinsburg, West Virginia from Washington, DC.
All FFLs-Mar 2022-Open Letter-Forced Reset Triggers (FRTs) (268.72 KB)

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) recently examined devices commonly known as “forced reset triggers” (FRTs) and has determined that some of them are “firearms” and “machineguns” as defined in the National Firearms Act (NFA), and “machineguns” as defined in the Gun Control Act (GCA).

All FFLs-June2007-Open Letter-Post Office (P.O.) Boxes or Rural Route Numbers as a Residence Address (295.3 KB) The purpose of this open letter is to provide guidance regarding firearms transferees whose only identification documents indicate only Post Office Box or Rural Route number as a residence address.
All FFLs-June2000-Open Letter-Open Letter to Importers Regarding CICAD Model Regulations (112.73 KB) Through a final rule published June 20, 2000, in the Federal Register, ATF is amending its regulations and affected forms to comply with Model Regulations for the Control of the International Movement of Firearms, Their Parts and Components, and Ammunition (the Model Regulations).
All FFLs-July2009-Open Letter-Selling or Delivering Firearms Frames or Receivers (103.66 KB) The purpose of the this open letter is to provide guidance on certain regulatory requirements and definitions under the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA) about selling or delivering firearm frames or receivers.
All FFLs-July2005-Open Letter-Importation of U.S. Manufactured Surplus Military Firearms Classified as Curios or Relics (100.63 KB) This Open Letter is to advise all Federal Firearms Licensees and registered importers of U.S. munitions import list articles that ATF was advised by the Department of State, on a case-by-case basis, permit the retransfer of U.S. manufacturing military firearms that were sold or granted by the United States Government classified by ATF as curios or relics.
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