Rules and Regulations Library

Titlesort ascending Description Category Document Type
Oklahoma-Oct1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (826 KB) The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in Oklahoma of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law. Firearms Open Letter
Oklahoma-Jun2023-OpenLetter-SDALicense (188 KB)

The purpose of this open letter is to advise you that the Oklahoma Self Defense Act Handgun License (SDA Handgun License) issued on or after November 1, 2021, meets the requirements as an alternative to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check — but only in Oklahoma during the five-year period beginning on the date of issuance of the SDA Handgun License.

Firearms Open Letter
Ohio-Oct1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (472 KB) The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in Ohio of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law. Firearms Open Letter
Ohio-May2016-Open Letter-Ohio's Concealed Handgun License Qualifies as Alternative to Background Check Requirement (63 KB)
The purpose of this open letter is to advise all Ohio FFLs that Ohio's concealed handgun license qualifies as an alternative to the background check requirement.
Firearms Open Letter
Northrop Grumman Granting Relief of Disabilities (2011R-13T) (45 KB)

Northrop Grumman Guidance and Electronics Company, Inc. (NGGECI) (formerly Litton Systems, Inc.), a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman Corporation (NGC), has been granted relief from the disabilities imposed by Federal laws by the Director of ATF with respect to the acquisition, transfer, receipt, shipment, or possession of firearms.

Firearms General Notice
Northern Mariana Islands-Oct2005-Open Letter-Northern Mariana Island Weapons Identification (39 KB)
This open letter informs Northern Mariana Island Federal firearms licensees that beginning October 19, 2005, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island Weapons Identification Card Permits no longer qualifies as an alternative to a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check.
Firearms Open Letter
Northern Mariana Islands-Oct1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (50 KB) The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law. Firearms Open Letter
North Dakota-Oct1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (45 KB) The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in North Dakota of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law. Firearms Open Letter
North Dakota-Apr2000-Open Letter-Correction Notice-Qualifying Permit Alternatives to NICS Check (103 KB)
The provisions of North Dakota law regarding the issuance of concealed weapons permits were recently amended.  Based on these changes, concealed weapons permits issued on or after December 1, 1999, will now qualify as alternatives to a NICS check at the time of transfer.
Firearms Open Letter
North Carolina-Oct1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law.pdf (713 KB) October 1991 Open Letter to all FFL's regarding Brady Law. Firearms Open Letter
New York-Oct1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (114 KB) The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in New York of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law. Firearms Open Letter
New York-May2006-Open Letter-New York's License to Carry and Possess Handguns No Longer Qualifies as Alternative to NICS Check (91 KB)
The purpose of this letter is to advise New York Federal firearms licensees that the New York license to carry and possess handguns  no longer qualifies as an alternative to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check. 
Firearms Open Letter
New Mexico-Sept2024-open letter-changes to New Mexico law-waiting period.pdf (189 KB)

The New Mexico State Legislature enacted a new statute, N.M. Stat. Ann. § 30-7-7.3, which became effective on May 15, 2024. The new statute imposes a waiting period before a firearm may be sold and transferred and makes it unlawful to sell and transfer a firearm before the required waiting period ends

Firearms Open Letter
New Mexico-Oct1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (84 KB) The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in New Mexico of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law. Firearms Open Letter
New Mexico-Nov1998-Open Letter-Correction Notice-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (987 KB)
This correction notice is to advise all New Mexico Federal firearms licensees that the New Mexico Department of Public Safety will no longer participate as the NICS point of contact.
Firearms Open Letter
New Mexico-Feb1994-Open Letter-Implementation of Brady Law Requirements (35 KB) The purpose of this open letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in New Mexico the requirements of the Brady Law.  Firearms Open Letter
New Jersey-Nov1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (43 KB) The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in New Jersey of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law Firearms Open Letter
New Jersey-Dec1998-Open Letter-Correction Notice-Change to New Jersey Background Check Procedure (659 KB)
The correction notice corrects an error found in the ATF open letter, dated November 10, 1998, regarding the point of contact for background checks firearm transfers. 
Firearms Open Letter
New Hampshire-Oct1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law (94 KB) The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in New Hampshire of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law. Firearms Open Letter
New Hampshire-Nov1998-Open Letter-Change to New Hampshire Background Check Procedures (1510 KB)
This correction notice is an update to the original background check letter, dated October 28, 1998.  The State of New Hampshire has elected to participate as a NICS point of contact for handguns.
Firearms Open Letter
Nevada-Oct2005-Open Letter-Nevada’s Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) Permits No Longer Alternative to NICS Check (38 KB)

This letter is superseded by ATF's January 5, 2006 open letter.  The purpose of this letter is to inform Federal firearms licensees (FFLs) that beginning October 19, 2005, Nevada’s Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) Permits will no longer qualify as an alternative to a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check.

Firearms Open Letter
Nevada-Nov1998-Open Letter-Permanent Provisions of the Brady Law.pdf (124 KB)

The purpose of this letter is to advise Federal firearms licensees in Nevada of their responsibilities under the permanent provisions of the Brady law.

Firearms Open Letter
Nevada-May2008-Open Letter-Nevada’s Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) Permits No Longer Qualify as an Alternative to a NICS check (93 KB)

The purpose of this letter is to advise you that beginning July 1, 2008, Nevada’s Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permits will no longer qualify as an alternative to a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check.

Firearms Open Letter
Nevada-Jan2006-Open Letter-Nevada’s Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) Permits Again Qualify as Alternative to NICS Check (102 KB)

The purpose of this letter is to advise you of an important change to the procedure you may follow beginning January 5, 2006.  On this day, Nevada’s Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permit will again qualify as an alternative to a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check.  Accordingly, the October 17, 2005 Open Letter to Nevada Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) is superseded.

Firearms Open Letter
Nevada-Aug2011-Open Letter-Nevada’s Concealed Firearm Permit Qualifies as Alternative to NICS Check (110 KB)
The purpose of this letter is to advise all Nevada Federal firearms licensees that Nevada's Concealed Firearm Permit qualifies as an alternative to the background check required by the Brady law.
Firearms Open Letter
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