Firearms Trace Data: Connecticut - 2020

Data Source: Firearms Tracing System

January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020



  1. ATF Firearms Trace Data Disclaimer
  2. Table: Total Number of Firearms Recovered and ​Traced in Connecticut in Calendar Year 2020
  3. Table: Firearm Types with a Connecticut Recovery
  4. Table: Top Calibers Reported on Firearm Traces with a Connecticut Recovery
  5. Table: Top Categories Reported on Firearm Traces with a Connecticut Recovery
  6. Table: Top 15 Source States for Firearms​ with a Connecticut Recovery
  7. Table: Time-To-Crime Rates for Firearms​ with a Connecticut Recovery
  8. Table: Age of Possessors for Firearms​ with a Connecticut Recovery
  9. Table: Top Recovery Cities for Firearms with a Connecticut Recovery
  10. Analytical Criteria Used to Compile the Enclosed Statistics


ATF Firearms Trace Data Disclaimer

Firearm traces are designed to assist law enforcement authorities in conducting investigations by tracking the sale and possession of specific firearms. Law enforcement agencies may request firearms traces for any reason, and those reasons are not necessarily reported to the federal government. Not all firearms used in crime are traced and not all firearms traced are used in crime.

Firearms selected for tracing are not chosen for purposes of determining which types, makes or models of firearms are used for illicit purposes. The firearms selected do not constitute a random sample and should not be considered representative of the larger universe of all firearms used by criminals, or any subset of that universe. Firearms are normally traced to the first retail seller, and sources reported for firearms traced do not necessarily represent the sources or methods by which firearms in general are acquired for use in crime.


Total Number of Firearms Recovered and Traced in Connecticut in Calendar Year 2020



Firearm Types with a Connecticut Recovery

January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Pistols 813
Revolvers 165
Rifles 91
Shotguns 50
Derringers 9
Unknown Types 5
Other* 10

* Other includes Machineguns, Receivers/Frames, a Combination and a Silencer.


Top Calibers Reported on Firearm Traces ​with a Connecticut Recovery

January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
9mm 373
.22 Cal 139
.40 Cal 129
.380 Cal 103
.45 Cal 95
.38 Cal 79
12GA 40
.357 Cal 32
.32 Cal 28
.25 Cal 26

NOTE: There were 81 additional traces that were associated with other calibers.​ There were 18 traces with an unknown caliber.


Top Categories Reported on Firearm Traces with a Connecticut Recovery

January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Possession of Weapon 424
Firearm Under Investigation 324
Found Firearm 126
Family Offense 55
Dangerous Drugs 50
Weapon Offense 46
Homicide 18
Health - Safety 16
Aggravated Assault 13
Firing Weapon 11

NOTE: There were 60 additional traces that were associated with other categories.


Top 15 Source States for Firearms with a Connecticut Recovery

January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Connecticut 328
Georgia 72
South Carolina 53
Florida 49
Virginia 43
North Carolina 42
Vermont 24
New Hampshire 21
Pennsylvania 17
Alabama 14
Maine 14
Massachusetts 12
New York 12
Ohio 12
Texas 12

NOTE: An additional 26 states accounted for 61 other traces. The source state was identified in 786 total traces.


Time-To-Crime Rates for Firearms​ with a Connecticut Recovery

January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Under 3 Months 35
3 Months to Under 7 Months 50
7 Months to Under 1 Year 29
1 Year to Under 2 Years 67
2 Years to Under 3 Years 77
3 Years and Over 523

1/1/2020-12/31/2020 Connecticut Average Time-to-Crime: 10.22 Years

1/1/2020-12/31/2020 National Average Time-to-Crime: 7.01 Years


Age of Possessors for Firearms with a Connecticut Recovery

January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
17 and Under 28
18 to 21 118
22 to 24 87
25 to 30 172
31 to 40 205
41 to 50 135
Over 50 102

1/1/2020-12/31/2020 Connecticut Average Age of Possessor: 35 Years

1/1/2020-12/31/2020 National Average Age of Possessor: 34 Years


Top Recovery Cities for Firearms with a Connecticut Recovery

January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Hartford 264
Bridgeport 117
New Haven 112
Waterbury 101
Trumbull 35
Vernon 33
Meriden 30
New Britain 27
Bloomfield 26
Stratford 26

NOTE: There were 80 additional municipalities that accounted for 372 other traces.


Analytical Criteria Used to Compile the Enclosed Statistics

Total Number of Firearms Recovered and Traced

  • Includes traces with a recovery state of Connecticut. Traces in which the recovery state was not provided were included when the requesting agency state was equal to Connecticut.​
  • Includes Firearms Recovered and Traced between 1/1/2020 – 12/31/2020 or, if the recovery date was blank, firearms with trace entry dates between 1/1/2020 – 12/31/2020.
  • Duplicate traces, Firearms Not Recovered, Gun Buyback and Firearms Turned In are not included in this figure.​
  • Data was extracted from the Firearms Tracing System (FTS) on April 12, 2021.​
  • All traces may not have been submitted or completed at the time of this study.​

Firearm Types and Calibers with a Connecticut Recovery

  • Includes same criteria as Total Number of Firearms Recovered and Traced.

Top Categories Reported on Firearm Traces with a Connecticut Recovery

  • Includes same criteria as Total Number of Firearms Recovered and Traced. Beginning in CY 2010, attempted homicide, attempted suicide and negligent vehicular manslaughter are reported in separate categories.

Top Source States for Firearms with a Connecticut Recovery​

  • Includes same criteria as Total Number of Firearms Recovered and Traced.
  • Traces must identify a purchaser and the state in which the final dealer is located.

Time-to-Crime Rates for Firearms with a Connecticut Recovery

  • Includes same criteria as Total Number of Firearms Recovered and Traced.
  • Traces must identify a purchaser.
  • Time-to-Crime was calculated for those traces in which the purchase date could be subtracted ​from the recovery date.

Age of Possessors for Firearms with a Connecticut Recovery

  • Includes same criteria as Total Number of Firearms Recovered and Traced.
  • Includes traces that provide a possessor and the possessor’s date of birth.
  • Possessor’s age is calculated by subtracting the possessor’s date of birth from the recovery date.

Top Recovery Cities for Firearms with a Connecticut Recovery

  • Includes same criteria as Total Number of Firearms Recovered and Traced.
  • Includes traces with a recovery city or, if the recovery city was not provided, traces requested by agencies with jurisdiction only within that city.


View All 2020 Firearms Trace Data

Last Reviewed November 22, 2021