Forms Library

Form ID Title Description Category
F 5400.5 Report of Theft/Loss - Explosive Materials (ATF Form 5400.5) (245 KB)

The purpose of this form is to report the theft or loss of explosive materials to ATF.

F 5400.28 Employee Possessor Questionnaire (ATF Form 5400.28) (390 KB)

This form is used to determine the eligibility of the employee possessor (EP) to engage in certain explosives operations.

F 5000.29 Environmental Information (ATF Form 5000.29) (217 KB)
This form is used by ATF to determine if any environmental impact statement or environmental permit is necessary for the proposed operation.
F 5400.13/F 5400.16 Application for Explosives License or Permit (ATF Form 5400.13/5400.16) (420 KB)

This form is used to determine the eligibility of the applicant to engage in certain operations, to determine the location and extent of operations, and to determine whether the operations will be in conformity with federal laws and regulations when working with explosives.

Responsible Person Questionnaire (ATF Form 5400.13A/5400.16) (265 KB)

This form is used to add responsible persons to a Federal Explosives License or Permit (FEL/P) with the application as well as after a FEL/P has already been issued. It is also required to be submitted with every FEL/P Renewal Application (ATF Form 5400.14/5400.15).

Application for an Amended Federal Explosives License or Permit (ATF Form 5400.33) (308 KB)

This application must be completed by any federal explosives licensee or permittee (FEL/P) who intends to make changes, such as the name and/or address, to an active license or permit



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