Applications eForm 4473 Download

Banner for eForm 4473 with the ATF seal behind it.

User's Manuals

The user's manual contains step by step instructions on how to install and use eForm 4473.

Image of green and pink speech bubblesAnswers to Common Questions Image of an open envelopeeForm 4473 Support


The ATF eForm 4473 program has been updated with the December 2022 version of the form. To update the program, see the download instructions below.


Downloading the Application

Downloading the application could take up to approximately 30 minutes; however, the average download time is approximately 5 minutes. Prior to using the e4473 application, users MUST update their default settings to Microsoft Edge for Windows OS or Google Chrome for MacOS to properly view PDF documents. Please refer to the instructions below to update your default settings:

Updating Default Settings to Microsoft Edge (Windows OS)

Updating Default Setting to Google Chrome (MacOS)


Saving PDFs

Please see instructions below on saving PDFs using Windows and MacOS:

Saving Completed PDFs with Microsoft Edge (Windows OS)

Saving Completed PDFs with Google Chrome (MacOS)


Microsoft Windows 

System Requirements

Recommended Operating System:  Windows 10
Required disk space: 94.47 MB
Updated: 04/29/2024

Download Windows version 


If using an older version of Windows, to print a completed ATF Form 4473, you must save the PDF file to your computer first. Then, open the saved file and print the form. For more information, please view Printing e4473 PDF Using Older Windows Operating System.

If not using the current version of Microsoft operating system, ATF cannot guarantee that:

  • ATF will be responsible for resolving defects
  • e4473 application will operate and print as expected
  • e4473 will be uninterrupted, timely or error-free


Apple OS X

System Requirements

Minimum Apple OS X required: OS X 10.12 (Sierra) or later
Required disk space: 121.95 MB
Updated: 04/29/2024

Download MacOS version


Download the latest ZIP code file

This step is necessary for the initial installation to ensure that the most current version of the zip code file is active. Please check this website monthly for the latest update. 


The ATF-developed e4473 application is expressly provided "as is." ATF makes no warranty of any kind, express, implied, in fact or arising by operation of law, including without limitation, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement and data accuracy. ATF neither represents nor warrants that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error-free if operating from a non-current operating system.

Last Reviewed April 29, 2024